What are they? You guessed it! They are Healthy Holistic Habits. For the sake of technicality, and just because I always find it interesting how things are officially defined, here are the 'official' definitions of the 3 h's. Below that are my philosophies and how I apply them to my own life, with my clients, and my students. These three elements combined are powerful force to shape your health and well being. Healthy Definition: 1. Possessing good health: a healthy child. 2. Conducive to good health; healthful: healthy air. 3. Indicative of sound, rational thinking or frame of mind: a healthy attitude. Holistic Definition:
a. A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition: made a habit of going to bed early. b. An established disposition of the mind or character: a pessimistic habit. c. Customary manner or practice: an early riser by habit. d. An addiction, especially to a narcotic drug. YAWN...now on to the good stuff! Good health, feeling fantastic, being the size/weight you want; it's within reach, and super easy when you re-frame how you think about health. Take diets. We are a country which has literally dieted our way into a preventable health crisis. Diets are torturous, they don't work and they perpetuate self loathing. Before I knew better, I am pretty sure I tried every diet in the book. I can remember my friend and I going on our very first 'diet' one summer when we were around 16 years old. It consisted of sunflower seeds and freezies. That's it. Just spits & frozen sugar day after day. Well...truth be told I think we lasted 3.5 days. Before we knew it we both had a mouth full of canker sores and nasty belly aches. That didn't deter us though, ooooh no! Together we blazed a trail of diet disasters for the next 10 years. You name it, we tried it. It is that whole definition of insanity thing. Somehow when it comes to the weight loss industry, most of us at some point are slow learners bordering on crazy. Lets get back to the 3 H's:
Pretty straight forward right? This my friend, is a foolproof way to regain your health, and your life. Forget the complicated diets, regimes, restrictions; and start to focus on how you FEEL. Transform your life by changing your habits. It really is that simple. Now of course there is a learning curve here while you navigate what is healthy and what is not. There is SO much crappy information floating around online, and through misleading marketing. To add insult to injury, there is also a ton of conflicting studies that make it impossible to figure out what the most recent 'recommendations' are. My goal is to break it all down for you on this website, and in the various online health programs, and meal plans offered. Health does not have to be so damned complicated, it is time to take control and make positive changes. I cannot tell you how much of a difference this makes on so many levels. Anxiety, depression, mood swings, PMS, menopause, ADHD, autoimmune disorders, addictions, concentration, memory, sleep - I could go on forever! ALL of this can be improved by incorporating simple healthy habits. Subscribe to our newsletter (opt in form is on the right side bar) to get healthy bits and bites delivered right to your inbox each week - plus tasty recipes! Please feel welcome to email or comment with any questions or feedback you have - I do my best to get back people as soon as possible. I would love to hear from you! Type your thoughts and/or questions on the comments section below. :)
AuthorSeriously I have no idea how I would get through the day without healthy holistic habits. Mood, energy levels, sleep, productivity, creativity and so much more are reliant on the choices we make each & every day. Nourish that beautiful mind & body of yours! You will be amazed at what happens next. :) Recent Blog Posts: |